SPOILER[ CAP 518], Solo sopiler!!

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view post Posted on 28/11/2010, 21:25

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Crediti: Ohana

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656 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/11/24(水) 19:51:23 ID:aL91FW7qP
518 奇襲部隊の攻防!!

デイダラ こりゃ戦争だ!!きれいごと言ってんじゃねーぞ うん!!
サイ 兄さん!!しっかりして
デイダラ いい動きだ だがオイラを斬ろうが何にもならんぜ!
オモイ 雲流 裏切り!! サソリのチャクラ糸を斬る。
デイダラ チイ 己の前を斬りつけるフリをして後ろを斬る だまし斬りの技か くだらねえ!!
サソリ おれのチャクラ糸を斬るか… いい太刀筋だ
カンクロウ イッタン上げろ!!
イッタン よし!土遁 地動核!! 地面を元の位置まで上げる
派手に落ち転げたサソリ オレの糸に己の糸を結びつけて引っ張り込むとはな…少しは糸の使い方が上達したなカンクロウ
カンクロウ 赤秘儀操演者のアンタに褒められんのは正直うれしいが 今じゃ黒秘儀はオレの方が上だぜ 蠍と書いた巻物取り出す クグツ蠍が出てくる。
サソリ オレのクグツか 今となれば その体もくだらねえ 今のオレはまさに朽ちることのない本物の人形そのもの!かつてのぞんだ体だ!
カンクロウ …
サイ兄 逃げろ… デイダラ鳥に乗る
カンクロウ イッタン負傷者とキリを岩で囲め!!
ホヘト 隊長… あの根の者!腹の中にまたあの粘土だ…
サイ兄 …
サイ !?
イッタン デイダラの起爆粘土は雷遁に弱いと聞いたことがある…
オモイ 少しならオレが…

660 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/11/24(水) 19:54:36 ID:aL91FW7qP

隙が出来て デイダラ 遅い!!
カンクロウ 今だ!! 土に隠してあった山椒魚(クグツ)がサイ兄を食べる 爆発
サイ 兄さーーん!!

森の中、中吉 ! 爆発?とにかく増援 敵つぶす

岩の中 キリ ザジ!外は!?
ザジ 大丈夫っす チャクラは感知出来てる 皆生きてる

オモイ イテテ
デイダラ 下に隠して防御用のクグツで爆弾を囲うとはな… お陰で爆破威力はいまいちだったな…うん
サソリ 防御用の山椒魚だ 昔俺が作った
サイ … 爆弾だとてん
デイダラ うん…?何か文句でもあんのか!?サスケの後釜にもなれねえ お前みてーなカスが 弱えーくせにでしゃばんじゃねえ
デイダラ 魂がこの世に縛られてる限り何度も復活できる… また爆弾にしてやんよクハハハ!!
サイ兄 俺は…お前を傷つけたくない… …死んで… もう根から解き放たれたのに…
サソリ 木の葉の根の噂は知ってる… 幼いころから生活を共にさせ兄弟のように
育ててから最後に殺しあいをさせる 感情を殺す鍛練とシステム
サイ兄 心無くせば 迷いはない…それが本当の強い忍だ 根のお前はオレに近い
カンクロウ …
デイダラ いっぱしの絵なんか書いて芸術きどってんな! 芸術は爆発だ!さてもう一発ハデにいくか!
サイ 無言で筆を取り。。。
サイ切れる やってみろ 
サイ 鳥獣戯画で雷神風神を出す。
663 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/11/24(水) 19:57:23 ID:aL91FW7qP

サイ 兄さんに見せたい絵があるんだ… まだ完成はしてないから もう少しーーー

風神雷神 サソリ デイダラぶっ飛ばす
カンクロウ 黒秘儀ーー デイダラ サソリ カンクロウのクグツ(黒蟻 烏)の中入る
デイダラ くそ!こんな事ならさっさと自爆すんだったぜ!究極芸術をそう何度も世に出すのはダセーと想ってたが仕方ねえ!!うん
デイダラ胸の口を開こうとすると  雷遁が流れてくる
デイダラ 雷遁!!?
カンクロウ 危々三発!!
カンクロウ よくやったオモイ!ここからオレがずっとこいつら二人をクグツの術で縛りつける!
オモイ オウ!
サイ 分かってた… 根に居る時 兄さんと戦わなきゃならなくなるって… あの時… つけられなかったけっちゃくをつけ…
サイ兄 … イヤそうはならない
サイ兄だんだん崩れていく やっと見たかった絵が見れた… 
サイ兄崩れて  ありがとう…
クグツの中サソリ どういう事だ…?糸の手ごたえがない…
カンクロウ サソリ…アンタの強さはそこに魂があったからだ アンタはかつて人形になり魂を消そうとしたが消しきれなかった
アンタの造ったクグツにこそ朽ちることのない魂が宿ってんのがオレには分かる だが今のアンタは生身だが本物のクグツになりさがった ただの人形だ…
カンクロウ アンタはクグツを操る一流の忍だった 誰かに操られるようなゲスじゃなかったハズだぜ


Traduzione in inglese
Crediti: Satoshii

SPOILER (click to view)
From ohana

518 The battle between the ambush corps!!

Omoi's anxiety fades as he gets serious!!

Deidara : "Hey, this is war!! Don't be saying nice things, yeah!!

The ambush unit (Kankuro's) flees from battle.

Sai Vs. Sai's brother

Sai's brother attacks Sai. Sai stops it with a kunai. (could be the other way around)

Sai: "Brother! Get a hold of yourself."

Deidara: "Good movement. But attacking us (the zombies) is useless.

Omoi: "Cloud style: URAGIRI!!" (uragiri = Betrayal / treachery). He cuts Sasori's chakra threads.

Deidara: "Tch, you were aiming to cut behind me all along, what a dirty trick. Like I give a damn!! "

Sasori: "You managed to cut my chakra strings... Impressive swordsmanship."

Part 2:

Kankuro notices that Sasori's chakra strings have been cut, and connects his own chakra strings.

Kankuro: "Ittan, do it!"

Ittan: "OK! Earth Element : CHIDOUGAKU!!". The ground shifts and rises.

Sai's brother is standing in front of Sasori

Sasori is dragged down. " I didn't expect you to attach your chakra strings to mine... You've improved your technique a little, Kankuro".

Part 3:

Kankuro: "I really appreciate the praise from a master puppeteer, but i'm better than you!" Kankuro pulls out Sasori's puppet scroll. He summons Sasori's body.

Sasori: My puppet? No matter, I don't really care. Now I have a body that cannot be destroyed. This is the body i've always wished for!

Kankuro: "..."

Sasori connects his chakra strings to Sai's brother.

Hoheto checks Sai's brother.

Sai's brother: "Run..." He gets on Deidara's bird.

Kankuro: "Ittan, use your earth technique to protect the wounded!!

Hoheto "Chief... that Root guy! He's got that clay inside of him...

Sai's brother "..."

Sai "!?"

Ittan "I heard that Deidara's exploding clay is weak against electricity..."

Omoi "Maybe if I..."

Part 4:

Kankuro's Sasori Vs. Sasori and Sai's brother

If you cut the chakra strings, then Omoi can join the battle.

The opportunity comes,

Deidara "Too late!!"

Kankuro "NOW! Kankuro's Sanshouuo (salamander pupper) comes out of the ground and swallows Sai's brother. He explodes.


It was pretty lucky they were in the forest. The explosion? Anyhow, the reinforcements were killed / destroyed.

Inside the rock : Zaji! How is it outside!?

Zaji: It's OK. I can sense everyone's chakra, they're all alive.

Omoi "Owowow"

Sai's picture book falls out of his rucksack.

Deidara "I didn't expect you to have some sort of defense puppet underground... You're lucky that that blast wasn't very powerful, yeah.

Sasori "The defense puppet Sanshouuo. I created it long ago"

Sai "... to use him as a bomb"

Deidara "Yeah? Do you have a problem with that? I don't care if you're Sasuke's replacement, you watch [<-- I don't understand this part -->]

Sai's brother starts to regenerate.

Deidara "The soul is tied to this earth, we can regenerate as often as we like... even if we're turned into a bomb, hahahaha!

Sai's brother "I...don't want to hurt you... ...die... ...even though you've ( or i've) been released from Root.

I know a little heresay about Konoha's Root... The members are raised from a young age together like siblings, they're raised to kill, they are trained to suppress their emotions...

Sai's brother "If you lose your heart (emotions), you have no hesitation...that's what a truly strong ninja is. In Root I was close to that.

Kankuro "..."

Deidara "you're pretty good with your drawing! Art's a blast! Well then, lets go another round!

Sai silently takes the brush.

[<-- yattemiro is 'let's try to do', but i'm not sure what he's doing here. -->

The pages in the picture book open

Sai summons (like his ink animals) the Thunder God and the Wind God.

Sai's brother is reminiscing.

Sai "Brother, I've got something to show you... but it's not finished yet, please wait a little longer..."

The Thunder God and the Wind God attack and push back Sasori and Deidara.

Kankuro uses his 'Black' secret technique (his puppeteering technique I assume, he was talking about Sasori's 'Red' technique earlier). Deidara and Sasori are trapped inside his puppets (Kuroari and Karasu (Black ant and Raven) ).

Deidara "Shit! I should have just used a suicide attack! I'll use my ultimate art, I can use it as many time as I want now! Yeah.

I assume Deidara is opening the mouth on his chest (to ready his suicide attack). A lightning attack ripples through.

Raiton!!? (Lightning technique!!?)
Kankuro " [<-- No idea, it's the technique's name -->]

Rope covered in poison comes out of Kankuro's Sasori and wraps around the puppets.

Kankuro "Well done Omoi! Now I can definately keep these guys locked in my puppet technique.You do something about Sai's elder brother!!

Omoi: Got it!

Sai: I understand... back when we were in Root, I had to fight my elder brother... I have to do what I didn't do at that time...

Shin: Please do not hate me...

The picture book with Sai and Shin holding hands is...

Shin gradually crumbles. I finally saw the picture I wanted to see...

It seems the... It seems the picture of you is unravvelling the bindings of your soul...
tear falls from Sai's eye.

Shin crumbles: Thank you...

Sasori inside the puppet: What is this...? I'm not getting any respose from the threads...

Kankurō: Sasori... You're strong because you have a soul. Once, because you wanted to become a puppet, you tried to erase your soul, but you didn't succeed.
I understand that within the puppets you created dwell souls that never rot.
But now, you are the real thing, flesh and blood degraded to being a puppet. Just an ordinary puppet...

Sasori closes his eyes as he listens.

Kankurō: You're were first-class shinobi when it comes to manipulating puppets. Now you're nothing more than a low-life being manipulated by someone else.

Battle of the Souls... The conclusion of the battle between the suprise attack squads!!

Capitolo in inglese streaming
Manga Stream
Crediti: Manga Stream

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